Tag Archives: septembers of shiraz

Books I read in the snow and rain…


A Dead HandI wrote a post in the summer called Books I Read In the SunThese were novels I often literally read in the spring and summer sunshine-sitting by our pond on a swinging love-seat chair with a canopy that provided some shade. In keeping with that title here are books I have been reading in the snow and rain (but not literally this time…just snug at home as it rained or snowed outside!).

The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted And Other Small Acts of Liberation by Elizabeth Berg-When I picked up this book I did not realize it is a collection of short stories which I generally do not like but it was a quick read so I gave it a shot. My favourite is about a set of older female friends who connect with people from their past and then tell all at a dinner meeting. The results are varied. Many other stories were about weight and food which I am sure everyone can relate to!

A Dead Hand by Paul Theroux-This book is a mystery, thriller, and adventure that takes place in Calcutta. I enjoyed this book with its strange characters and plot. It is about a travel writer struggling with writer’s block in Calcutta. He meets an odd rich American woman and gets sucked into her upside down world. Some dark themes but an enjoyable read-especially if you have been to or wish to go to India. Some parts will bring up memories, thoughts, questions, and more.

septembers_of_shirazThe Free World by David Bezmozgis-This book is about a Soviet Jewish family fleeing the region for a better life. The book takes place in Italy over a period of time while the family is waiting for a Canadian visa. The book portrays a tough time. It reminds me of a saying I once heard about hell being the space and time between. I wish I could recall the exact phrase-it immediately made sense to me and I have thought of it often. Regardless, times of transition and uncertainty are tough-often more than we realize until we can look back and see clearly.

The Gilly Salt Sisters by Tiffany Baker-This book is mainly about 2 sisters who grew up on a salt marsh as well as 2 families that have been rivals for decades in a small town. Not a bad book as it reveals deep dark family secrets, drama, scandals, and more. An entertaining read for the most part. I once wrote a university paper about salt production in the Caribbean so especially enjoyed the salt making information!

The Septembers of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer-This book is about a Jewish family living in Tehran during the Iranian Revolution. The father is taken to prison and the world is turned upside down. A great book that held my attention the entire time. A glance into a tough time for many people. It was only a while ago that I caught part of a recently made documentary by a Persian woman who interviews the shah’s wife (exiled and in Paris at that time) and trying to understand the situation in Iran back then. I have always wanted to go to Iran but have not yet had the chance. I tell my husband that one of the things that would motivate me to obtain a Georgian passport is visa free travel to Iran!