Tag Archives: summer produce

Snapshots from the garden, July 2016…


I have not written much about my garden this year compared to last year. Last year was, of course, my first year so perhaps there was more attention and documenting of new details. This year, however, there is much more going on in the garden in general.

Some of my onions! So proud of these guys.

Some of my onions! So proud of these guys.

I have learned a lot from last year but also am learning a lot this year which will help me next year. One of these things is not to get started too early as things will not work out! I tried to start seedlings in February but next year will try toward the end of March.

I have my two little garden plots but also had several containers for growing as there never seems to be enough room. I quickly came to realize that containers are not ideal so began to plant some things directly into the ground as well. Our dirt is not ideal which is why I have the slightly raised beds in the first place but the tomatoes and pumpkins I have planted directly into the yard seem to be doing well so that is a nice surprise.

Pumpkins are coming along! Can't wait til Halloween.

Pumpkins are coming along! Can’t wait til Halloween.

Peppers are one of my favourite things to grow.

Peppers are one of my favourite things to grow.




















In the last while we have enjoyed peas, onions, carrots, summer savory, basil, oregano, zucchini, strawberries, and fenugreek from the garden. Still waiting on corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers (which are almost done). Everything in the garden tastes a lot better than similar food that can be found in supermarkets. It really is amazing.

Sunflower snapshot from above.

Sunflower snapshot from above.

The last while I have also noticed that my plants need some help so this weekend I am going to buy some fertilizer to give them a boost. Although I did do a lot of composting last year which mixed in with potting soil to form the base of the raised beds, I think more nutrients are needed. Zucchini in particular seems to need some food! Speaking of food, zucchini is a very yummy food. Our first round of zucchini we used to make an Indian dish. I also sliced it, dipped it into salt/herb breadcrumb mix and lightly fried it to enjoy as a quick appetizer with jalapeno jelly. So good! My husband and his friend had some bbqs this summer and would do a similar appetizer but with garlic mayo.

Other than the veggies, I have been watching all the flowers grow. The butterfly bush did very well this year (and is so fragrant and lovely!) and I will have to cut it back quite a bit at the end of the year or it will be a giant next year and give too much shade over the garden plots. Bees do buzz around it quite a bit which is nice to see. From last year my lilies and spike speedwell flowers returned. My old hydrangea (pink) is starting to show flowers and the two new ones I planted in honour of my dog have turned purple but the new flower is blue. Finally, I am also keeping an eye on my sunflowers. They are growing tall but no sign of flowers amongst all the leaves yet. They will need better stakes to support them soon.

Lastly, our fruit trees seem to be doing quite well. Last year we had a whole bunch of pears by September. I do not see any sign of that yet but the plum tree which has been dormant has plums everywhere. They are a light purple and I will try one out this weekend to see if they are ready. Will have to think of something neat to make with them as I am not sure if anyone in the family is a big fan of plums. Any ideas? Well, that is the garden update. This weekend, I plan to put a lot of effort into it!


Purple plums are growing…

Tomato mania…


tomatoesvarietiesTomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes-tomatoes everywhere! For the last few months my tomato bushes have been producing delicious organic yellow and red tomatoes. The yellow ones are very yummy. The red ones I planted are of different varieties-although the smaller ones are my favourite. I have eaten hundreds of tomatoes in the last while (as has my family). Now, I am sick of them!

I know in a month or so I will miss them and long for them but, for now, I am so done with them. In fact, for the last two weeks I have taken a big basket of them to my workplace and left them in the staff kitchen where they were snatched up before lunchtime. People raved about them. I, however, am at a loss as to what to do with them. I put this “problem” on my Facebook and people suggested making ketchup, sauces, soups, or salsa. I may do all that later (I have been craving a yummy tomato soup) but am too lazy right now-to be honest. Definitely impressed with tomato plants as they produce a lot. Before growing my own, I was not a big fan of tomatoes but these home grown ones are delicious.

I also wrote a post called cucumber mania a while back. We ate heaps of cucumbers all summer but now things are slowing down. Another thing that is growing well in my garden are peppers but they are not out of control to the “mania” level. I am very proud of them, though. 🙂